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4-20 OCT 2013 |
Altfield Gallery is proud to showcase a collection of exquisite antique Chinese lacquer furniture in the October exhibition. Lacquer has been produced since prehistoric times in China. It is made from the sap of |

Pair of compound cabinets with paintings of four seasons, Lacquer on wood, Shanxi, c.1800
43x 20 x 102”
These antique furniture pieces with their elegant and true-to-the-form Ming proportions were cherished by the most discerning literati and nobles in the past. |
trees and has been used to protect and decorate various objects. Resistant to water, acids, and heat, lacquer was applied on furniture as a sealant and wood protector. Mineral pigments, cinnabar and iron oxide were often added to make red and black lacquer. The process of crafting lacquer on furniture involved many painstaking steps and it’s an art form in itself. The lacquer surface also provided an ideal background for artists’ expressions with painting, inlays and carving. Featured in the exhibition are a pair of rare black lacquer compound cabinets with vibrant floral painting in polychrome lacquer, charming lacquer cabinets with gilt painting from Shanxi and Zhejiang, as well as an embellished red lacquer cabinet, a good example of lacquer pieces from Shanxi which was the inspiration for the “Chinoiserie” style. We invite you to visit our |
Gallery and the Annex showroom to appreciate the art of lacquer furniture, the esthetics and utilitarian qualities of which work wonderfully in today’s interior décor. |
Black lacquer chest on stand, lacquer on wood, Shanxi,
19th century, 27.5 x 19 x 20” |
They are still fit for the fine furniture connoisseurs of today and, above all, work wonderfully in today’s interior décor. |
For further details and high resolution images, please contact Alice Hoi at
2537 6370, thank you. |
Detail of gilt decoration of
scrolling leaves and lotus
Red lacquer cabinet with floral
paintings, Lacquer on wood, Shanxi,
19th century, 44x19.5x66” |
Standing Screen, with mirror added,
lacquer on wood, Shanxi
18th century, 48x27x74” |
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藝苑很榮幸在10月舉辦中國古董漆具展,中國的漆具可追溯至史前時代。山漆來自樹木的汁液,具有保護和裝飾的功能。漆既可以防水,防酸和隔熱,若將漆塗在木材上更可以作為密封劑和保護木材。而將漆加上硃砂礦物顏料和氧化鐵,便形成了紅漆和黑漆。 |

18世紀 山西省 黑漆彩繪頂箱櫃一對
繪有四季花裝飾 43X 20×102“ |
誠邀您來參觀我們位於中環的藝苑以及香港仔的展廳 , 去欣賞漆具的優雅,經典的設計,更可以融入現代室內設計的生活當中。 |
19世紀 山西省 黑漆箱連几27.5×19×20” |